

How to build subscription based security around Azure functions

Working in company which deals with hundreds of client azure tenants showed me how different it is working on your own tenant.

Recently i worked on a subscription based service and i want to show you how to build the secruity walls arround your azure functions.

Here is an example of subscriotion service which caters differently for each client based on thier type of subscription. Free or Paid or Premium. 


React Js Modularity - Breaking a monolith react component into modular components

Earlier in 2017, I have written a few articles on Basics of SharePoint Framework, Use of React JS and React JS component life cycle

But Most of the SPFx web parts I created were task oriented and not application oriented. This means the size of the React components is small. 

Now I am working on a product / application level components which are complex and big in size.

Here is a screenshot of a POC I am currently working.