

Terraform Azure Application Landing Zone - TF AZ Bootstrap

Objective: This post is to provide a kick strat your Azure DevOps journey by providing a Seed Repo for your Azure DevOps organization. Every time when a new application is about to be launched into Azure, you have to go through the provisioning of launchpad and Devops Repo and building the CI/CD pipelines. Below project will address all of those concerns. 

Now i want to create similar thing and add couple of more steps and make it avilable for everyone.

Here is what you gona get.

Step 1: Download the repo from my github repos. TF AZ Bootstrap

Step 2: Run the AZCLI script and only 2 parameters you need to update are Subscription ID and App anme. Ask your adminstrator or customer to run it in Azure CLI / Bash.

Step 3: Now with the script ran, you can see a resource group created with the app name in it and you can see a Keyvault in it. Here is how all the information required for us in piplines is saved in Key Vault.

Step 4: Create a new project in Azure Devops and import the code directly from GitHub link.

Now go to pipelines, and go to library. Add a new Variable group with name "kv_variable_group" and enable Keyvault integration for Variables.

Now all the infomation generated by CLI script ia avilable for pipelines in form of variables and the exact variables names have been configured in the code.

Step 5: Go to pipelines, create a new pipeline from Git as source and pick existing YAML file for pipeline. Choose ./aure-pipelines/ci.yaml and name it CI.

Give it a go:

Step 6: Now do the same thing for ./azure-pipelines/cd.yaml and giev it a go.

If you run into any troubles, do let me know. I can help. 

 - Your fellow developer.

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